Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Playing Catch-up

I'm back, sort of. I'm trying to catch up with all the stuff that I didn't do during my spring break.

Things I've finally accomplished:
1) Updating links for certain people... You know who you are.

2) Registering for my classes next fall.

3) ..... (I guess that's all I've done so far.)

Things I have yet to finish:
1) Cleaning my room. Seriously, I know that I'm a guy and don't have to be neat. However, my room is a wreck. I just don't think I'll be able to get to it anytime soon.

2) Cleaning up my office. Much like the first one, but many more wires and cords and electronic devices.

3) Cleaning up my car (that's right, Jim... I said MY CAR). I know, it seems to be a pattern in my life. It is, deal with it.

4) Study for two tests and two quizzes. This one will be accomplished when just before hell freezes over.

5) Discover a cure for cancer.

6) Take over the world.

7) Start a new religion to whose sole purpose is to piss this guy off. That may be harder than it seems.

In other news, there's a new drink recipe up. This one involves hooch.

Daily Ditty:
Revis - Everything After


Anonymous said...

hey! don't dirty up my car. She likes to be clean.

Anonymous said...

Hey. Finding a Cure for Cancer is a long way down the list...

Thanks for the link update!

Anonymous said...

Um . . . I think you might be 2000 years late on goal number 7.