Sunday, December 04, 2005

So this is calm...

I just finished walking around campus with a few of my friends. Tonight there were luminarias all across campus.

For those of you who have no idea what a "luminaria" is, let me explain.

It's a kind of Christmas light.... but southwest style. They're actually really easy.

1. Take a brown paper lunch sack.
2. Fold the top edge down.
3. Pour a good 1.5 inches of dirt into the sack.
4. Light a candle (not the long kind that belong in a candlestick).
5. Put the lit candle in the sack.

You've just made your first luminaria. Now, repeat this until you have enough to spread across your front lawn. Traditionally, they are placed about every two feet on either side of a walkway or sidewalk.

So, there are LOT of luminarias on campus. I love the way these things look. They're awesome. But the fact that I've walked around the New Mexico State campus to see them can only mean one thing.... FINALS.

So, folks, I won't be speaking much this week. I have my finals for Statistics and Arabic on Tuesday, my Microbiology final on Wednesday, and my Evolution final on Thursday.

If I don't post until Thursday night, don't panic. I'm probably still alive.

In any case, you guys have a fantastic week.

Daily Ditty:
Ringside - Strangerman


anaglyph said...

Luminarias... I have just one word for you Joe: PHOTOS!

Good luck with the finals, especially Microbiology. TCA Industrial Division is looking for a new Department Head for the Cowlex™ operations.

Anonymous said...

I saw that you added the Ads by Google. Well, I hope I just made you some mad cash. I clicked on about 20 ads. So how much money do you think you made with that? Like 100 dollars?

Joe Fuel said...

Anaglyph - My apologies. I forgot to take my camera. I'll post some pictures once finals are over.

As for Cowlex™, if I'm being offered a job, I'll take it.

James - I appreciate that. I'm currently up to about $8.25. I get bored and click around while I'm at work too. Thanks for your support.

Anonymous said...

Really, you haven't made 100 dollars from my clicking alone? Wow...