Tuesday, September 13, 2005

just a quick quote

So, I'm sitting in my Experimental Statistics class today (did I mention that this class is useless and stupid?) and my professor is just lecturing, no big deal.

Suddenly, she pauses and stands in front of the class, obviously focused on something.

She says, "Oh no, I thought the voices were coming back."

She now has everyone's attention. One person starts laughing. Two. Eight. Twenty. The entire class eventually starts breaking out in laughter.

Class was dismissed shortly thereafter...

Daily Ditty:
Death Cab for Cutie - Soul Meets Body


Anonymous said...

It was that akward kind of laughter wasn't it?

r.fuel said...

Make that twenty-one.

Joe Fuel said...

To be honest, we all knew EXACTLY what she was talking about. But, I'm not going to tell you. The story is better this way. And no, it wasn't awkward laughter at all. We were just laughing out loud.

Anonymous said...

Twenty two. I'm living in vicarious hilarity over here. lol, tambien.