Tuesday, June 21, 2005

the sound of settling...

it's interesting. i should be studying right now. but, i can't bring myself to do it. or, more accurately, i don't care to.

i have my last biochemistry quiz tomorrow morning. i'm planning writing my name on it and turning it back in. why?

one, i had a horrible headache during class and ended up sleeping for abour 1.25 hours on the desk in that tiny classroom.

two, i have had A's on all the other quizzes and our lowest quiz grade will be dropped. i do realize, that the second reason is the more wise of the two. but let's be honest, sleeping through a lecture is still a good reason to not want to take a quiz.

that being said, i have decided to cut my losses and spend the rest of my evening sleeping. that has become incredibly necessary given the fever and headache i've had due to the rather impressive sunburn on my back and shoulders.

ah, there is nothing quite as beautiful as truly giving up... when you have the right reasons.


Anonymous said...

you better put more on the exam than your name or your prof is going to think you don't care and may change the rules on you

you've heard of rule changes?

Joe Fuel said...

actually, i told my professor i wasn't going to waste his time and i'd make the grading easy for him.

he just smiled and laughed.

no problem.

Anonymous said...

he be laughing when he marks your final grade, too

Joe Fuel said...

Well, anonymous...

trust me. it was no big deal. although, i told him about your comment. he said that he would never change the syllabus because that would just be cruel.

thanks for the backup there, Sahm.

Anonymous said...

get thee behind me, Sahm!