Monday, May 23, 2005

of emotion and circumstance

i sit here after spending hours screening lists and databases. after all that time, i still have to find people to cover 47 hours of work. yet, that's not even my job. the girl who should be doing it only thinks of herself. she never bothers to consider the fact that what she's doing may end up causing someone else a lot of trouble.

i'm frustrated and tired. i simply don't want to deal with this any longer. selfish people who just don't care to help. the problem is that those of us to work hard to keep things running never get a brake, because all the other slackers just don't get the job done.

i know, i know. i'm being a bit judgemental. i just can't help it.

but there is hope. there is some victory in the future.

i'll soon have a new job. working my own hours. left to myself to get things done.


just the way i like it....

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