Thursday, May 12, 2005

ah, here we are again.

oh boy. this week has been good to me.

last night, i accompanied my roommates and a few coworkers to the shooting range. we did some skeet shooting. i was on the ball after a few warm up shots. it was a great way to celebrate the fact that i had passed all my classes. one c, one b, and four a's. not too shabby.

i shot over 75 rounds with my roommate's 12-gauge and have a nice little bruised area on my right shoulder to prove it. i also got to shoot my friend's .45 pistol. it was a lot more powerful than i expected. still, what a great evening.

i got the new Gorillaz cd. it's a little wierd, but i like it. "Feel Good Inc" is a really cool song with an awesome bass line.

anyway, i'm out.

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