Monday, October 03, 2005

scars = sexy

I have been told on many occasions that scars are sexy. So, I thought I'd start showing them off.

This is a picture taken by Rob of a scar above my right eye.

Now, this one I will always blame on my brother. You see, the whole thing happened when he decided that he wanted to show off a bit.

It all happened when I was about 9. We were in Tuscon at the Arizona Inn. (Aside - If you have a chance to go to the Arizona Inn, I highly recommend it. That place is the bomb, trust me.)

So, we were swimming in the pool at this hotel, Jimmy, Robert, and I. Robert had been going through a phase in his life (which I'm convinced he hasn't grown out of yet) where he always had to be trying something new that was a bit dangerous.

Well, he pulls me over towards the edge of the pool. Now, I said "towards" not "at" the edge of the pool. I was a few feet from the wall. Robert proceeds to lightly push me down a bit, in an effort to position me for his next stunt. He told me to bend my knees a bit and put my head just like this and whatnot. Then, without telling me what he was going to do, he starts to get out of the pool.

Curious, I start watching him and totally forget that he's positioned me like that for a reason. I start to stand up and forget about how my head was supposed to be. Then, Robert turns (on the pool deck) and faces me. Now he's really got my attention.

He starts running, towards me. Uh oh. I'm scared.

Just before the edge, he takes a leap. This is not good.

Now, I'm a nine-year-old boy with no clue about what is supposed to be happening. So, I did the only thing I could think of. I freaked out.

As Robert was in the middle of his attempt to vault over me (this I learned about later), his knee collided with my eye. There was blood. I was nine. I was not exactly a happy camper.

Well, I was taken to the emergency room. The doctors told me that they were going to have to give me stitches. I put this one together with remarkable speed. Really.

Think about it:
needles + my eyeball = hell no!

I was not happy about this. I asked them to use anesthetic to knock me out. They said that they'd use a topical one. They did, however, seem to understand that this was not something I was happy about, because they ended up strapping me to that stupid bed. I still have a vivid memory of seeing that needle pass back and forth just in front of my eye. Not a fun experience.

Still, I want you guys to know that Robert's not a bad guy. He does, however, need to inform people of his plans before he decides to use them for a stunt.

Robert would not eat that night until I could eat with him. He felt too guilty. At the time, he didn't quite understand this principle of scars being sexy. Had he realized he was helping me to be a stud, I'm sure he wouldn't have felt so bad about the whole thing...

(More scar stories to come.)

Daily Ditty:
Jamie Cullum - Nothing I Do


anaglyph said...

The scar is cool, but I think you should make up some kind of story for how you got it. The swimming-pool incident, whilst rooted in veritas will probably not leave the girls week-kneed & swooning.

Maybe something involving ninjas and bio-warfare would do it...?

Joe Fuel said...

I'll see what I can come up with. Maybe that would be good fodder for another post.

Chickie said...

I'm going to do my stepsons a favor and hit them carefully on the heads with something later. After they get stitched up I'll read them your post.

Joe Fuel said...

Chickie - I refuse to take responsibility for that. But, you might want to hang off on that. I've got a couple of scars I have yet to show off.

r.fuel said...

Are you sure you were nine? I think that at the age of twelve I would have had better judgment...

Joe Fuel said...

I'm pretty sure that was about the time. We might be able to look up medical records for proof though...

anaglyph said...

He's got ya there Rob. Dang medical records. I'd watch that brother of yours - the legal talent in the family is evidently burbling away just under the surface in all the Fuels...

Anonymous said...

Anaglyph: I'm weak-kneed and swooning. Think about it.

Joe: Excellent story, excellent picture, excellent scar. Also, thanks.

anaglyph said...

Anne Arkham: Oh, don't you worry, I get it alright.