Tuesday, September 20, 2005


I'm sitting at work, staring at draft of a post that I have. It includes my email to my boss and her response to it, as well as some of my commentary. I'm not sure that I want to post it. I'm so very bitter about the whole ordeal.

My boss is not a bad person. Despite all the crap that's going on, I don't believe her to be spiteful or rude or inconsiderate at all. The people I work with are good people, for the most part.

I've been working here for about two years. I've given a lot of time and energy to this place. I have worked harder than 95% of my coworkers. I don't really want to leave.

Still, no one has even tried to prove to me that they didn't pull the wool over my eyes. I can't get a straight answer out of anyone, unless of course, I happen to ask that wonderful question, "Can I help you with anything?"

It's a question I ask on a pretty regular basis. I have done tasks that no one else even cared to consider. I have done my fair share of toiling around here.

Still, despite the fact that I don't believe that I've been treated as I deserve, I don't feel that anyone needs to be defamed.

Is it so much to ask that I want to be told the truth? Is it simply a fantasy that things would even slightly go as promised?

I kind of like this job. That's why I've been here for two years. But still, I need money. I certainly need more money than working 13 hours a week at just above minimum wage can give me.

I think it's time to move on...

And I think what I'm trying to say is that I won't post the email. Sorry guys. But I can't do it with a clear conscience.

Daily Ditty:
Citizen Cope - Hurricane Waters


Anonymous said...

so, have been involuntarily liberated from the working world?

Joe Fuel said...

no, it's going to be voluntary. they don't seem too intent on firing me.

Anonymous said...

well joe, I have one thing to say, semi-sarcastically, it is too much to ask for things to go as promised. Im sorry, but I had to learn that too. Im still learning. Leave that stupid job!!

Anonymous said...

They don't deserve you. Sad stuff, even so.