Thursday, June 02, 2005

a truly odd thought

The mother of a friend of mine is in the hospital right now. It seems pretty bleak. Apparently, it not so much a matter of if she's going to die but when.

However, my friends report that she's "fighting death."

How exactly does one do that? By most accounts, he's a freakishly tall skeleton with long arms and a huge sickle. How can you fight something that has such a reach advantage? And how can you defeat death, if death is already dead?

Comical observations aside, how does one fight death if your heart decides to stop? After all, if we humans had the ability to control everyone of our organs with sheer will power, there would be a much smaller market for doctors. If your liver decides that it is going to fail, could one simply give it a pep-talk and convince it to continue filtering toxins out of your body?

Still, the question remains...

How does one fight death?


r.fuel said...
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r.fuel said...

Good post, Joe. Funny and insightful.

Anonymous said...

oh, Death is not that tough. only slowed Jesus down for 3 days. but, "Leave me alone, Death, before I kill you" may not much of a threat.

Anonymous said...

fighting death? interesting thought. i can't help but remember track 12 on spiritual machines when it says "death gives meaning to life." maybe it is as simple as the more we value life (at any point during our stay on earth) the more we are fighting death. ~kenny