Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Patience can pay off

I posted on Friday that I ordered a CD and t-shirt from an English record label. The package arrived totally empty on Friday.

I emailed the company and heard back from them. They don't have anymore medium t-shirts. So, they refunded me for that.

They are sending me the CD I ordered. And a brand new compilation CD they released yesterday. The compilation CD is free.

Two CDs for the price of one!

Rock on!


Anonymous said...

sweet! it's great how frustrating occurances can turn out to be even better than first expected. by the by, i dig the new layout.

r.fuel said...

Good things come to those who wait. While that saying has often been misapplied to those people who wait patiently and without complaint, this is it's true application. Congrats.

Joe Fuel said...

Thanks for the compliments guys. I look forward to showing you how wicked awesome these bands are.

Anonymous said...

Or God works all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose, even when the postal worker and the exchange rates don't. Hot Dog!